General Information
Full Name | Jiayi Zhao |
Preferred Name | Viki Zhao |
Languages | English, Chinese |
2023-now M.S. Business Analytics (MSBA)
University of California, Los Angeles - Courses: Business Fundamentals, Optimization, Prescriptive Models, Customer Analytics, Operations Analytics, Competitive Analytics
2019-2023 B.S. Mathematics - Computer Sciences | B.S. Cognitive Science spec. Machine Learning and Neural Computation
University of California, San Diego - GPA: 3.82/4.0
- Cousres: Advanced Data Structure (CSE 100), Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSE101), Business Analytics (MGT 153), Machine Learning (COGS 118A&B)
Technical Skills
Programming Languages
- Python
- R
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Java
- C++
Frameworks & Tools
- Git
- LaTeX
- Excel
- Visual Code Studio
- Tableau
- Twitter developer platform
Professional Experience
07/2023 - 09/2023 Software Design Engineer Intern
MULTUS MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC - Constructed automation system to scrap and synchronize reservation data from Airbnb with AWS & Airtable, reducing time spent on property management by 90%
- Implemented a script using Selenium to store most recent reservation data to DynamoDB and backup to S3
- Optimized performance of scraping scripts on EC2 using Lambda functions
- Integrated Airtable with AWS through Gateway API to pull latest data from a DynamoDB database
- Constructed automation system to scrap and synchronize reservation data from Airbnb with AWS & Airtable, reducing time spent on property management by 90%
06/2022 - 09/2023 Undergrad Research Assistant
FLEISCHER RESEARCH LAB @ UC SAN DIEGO - Conducted research in Analysis of Racial Equity in San Diego Criminal Justice System under Dr. Jason Fleischer
- Executed statistical tests with an outcome-based approach to determine racial disparity in charges, convictions and sentencing, revealing racial bias
- Examined relationship between homelessness-related police stops and specific geographic areas with geospatial analysis and Folium API, revealing distribution of stops appears to converge on bus stops and large homeless encampment in San Diego
09/2021 - 03/2023 Instructional Apprenticeship (IA)
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO - I.A. for COGS108 - “Data Science in Practice” (Fall 2021, Winter 2022)
- I.A. for COGS118A - “Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms” (Winter 2023, Spring 2023)
- Held weekly office hour to assist students through the life cycle of executing Data Science projects, coding assignments, and computer science/data science concepts.
- Contributed to developing lesson plans, quizzes, homework assignments.
06/2021 - 07/2021 Data & Research Intern
HEY SOCIAL GOOD - Conducted research with Python and SpaCy on social impacts of corporations and evaluated for meeting social good requirements
- Analyzed social media of clients with Azure text analytics API and Twitter API to evaluate performance and social impact of clients
- Automated original humanoid actions and improved audit efficiency by 90%
Open Source Projects
03/2022 - 06/2022 Online Shopping Intention Prediction
- Employed Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, and Random Forest models to predict online shopper purchase intention from 12K+ observations with 17 shopping behavior patterns
- Random forest with 91% accuracy achieves the best performance for shopper purchase decision prediction among all used models
09/2021 - 12/2021 Yummy Recipes
- Developed a web application project on healthy recipes for fitness and health enthusiasts
- Designed wireframes, UI/UX, and logo and implemented part of common component features
09/2021 - 12/2021 Classification of Handwritten Chinese Number Characters
- Constructed supervised and deep learning algorithms to classify handwritten Chinese number characters by Chinese MNIST dataset with 15K+ compressed images using Binary, Multilayer Perceptron, and CNN
- CNN with 89% accuracy achieves the best performance for image classification among all used algorithms
06/2021 Flashcard
- Developed a self-learning tool with flashcards in Python which was inspired by Quizlet
- Helps people practice and master what they're learning
01/2021 - 03/2021 Analysis on the Scale of Wildfire Incident in California
- Examined the relationship between the scale of wildfire in California and global warming climate variables and tend to predict the future wildfire scale by these climate variables
- Analyzed the dataset and constructing a regression model for predicting future wildfire scale based on climate variables
- Concluded that there is the significant relationship between relative humidity and wildfire acres burned with a p-value of 0.007 but fail to reject that there's significant relationship between temperature, windspeed, and burning area due to the respective large p-value of 0.95 and 0.293
Honors and Awards
2022 - Chancellor's Research Scholarship for Social Science
- Excellent Award in Research and Presentation at 2022 Summer Research Conference, UC San Diego Undergraduate Research Hub
- Provost Honors
Other Interests
- Hobbies: Watching TV shows, Music.