Jiayi Zhao's Website


Hello! I am Jiayi Zhao (Viki). My Chinese name is 赵珈艺 (Jya-e J-OW). I am a graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles mastering in Business Analytics.

Over the past academic years, I have been actively participating in several undergraduate course developments, including but not limited to designing and developing homework, programming assignment, project, and exams. I have an insatiable passion for helping my peers and students to succeed in their academic journey, especially in programming knowledge and experience.

In summer 2022, I joined a research team led by professor Jason G. Fleischer at the department of Cognitive Science. Our project, funded through a UC San Diego School of Social Sciences Advancing Racial Justice grant, seeks to obtain and make publicly available data on the racial composition of charges, convictions, and sentences in San Diego County and its municipalities through Public Records Act (PRA) and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The project also seeks to establish methods to investigate the data for statistical evidence of racial bias, and perform those analyses on the data.

If you wish to know me more, feel free to contact me in any of the following methods down the page.


Mar, 2023 I have been admitted to the MS program in Computer Science (Data Science) at the University of Southern California, the MS program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California San Diego, and the MS program in Data Science at the University of California Irvine with $18,000 scholarship!
Feb, 2023 I have accpeted the offer to the Master of Business Analytics program at UCLA!
Feb, 2023 I have been admitted to the Management - Business Analytics MS program at UCLA! I hope to see more offers from other universities’ graduate programs.
Jun, 2022 I have been awarded Summer URS Chancellor’s Research Scholarshio for Social Sciences award for the upcoming summer!